Saturday, April 4, 2020

Seeking a friend for the end of the world... oh, wait...too late

Part of me is happy not to be stuck with someone...having to answer for my every allergic sneeze, or pollen filled cough. 

But, it was always my goal to have a best male friend as my partner in crime.

But I dont think that's ever gonna happen.  For a multitude of reasons.
And I swear, I am so ridiculously, deleriously, sick of hearing the platitudes of "you are such a wonderful woman...he's out there somewhere" that i could vomit enough to warrant a covid test.

Let us all just be honest.  No one is equipped to handle me. I'm too #heidemaintenance and too weird and broken in ways other people arent.  It is cool and fun in short durations.  But, it is irritating and frustrating to guys over any length of time.

So, yeah...that's what I've been thinking about lately.  Fuck my dreams.  Fuck joy.  Fuck it all.  I am going back to being dead inside.  It'll be easier to hide my disappointment.

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