Thursday, December 29, 2022

The year in review 2022 - cha-cha-cha-cha-changes

Okay, it's clearly been a hot minute. Frankly, I felt unispired to write, or be creative in any way. Between the pineapple express (I mean, pandemic), work, and a health issue that croppped up this year, I've been so burnt out these past few years, I'm surprised I wrote anything at all at the end of them (and I see now, that I skipped writing anything in 2021 for an end of year review).
Cypress Tree Bending at Beach

This year has been strange, to say the least.  2023 brought joy (the birth of my neice) and sorrow (the death of my nephew). It had it's share of bittersweet, to say the least.

Leaving Parks and Recreation for the Administrative Office of the Courts mid-year, brought me a well-loved job and new friendly faces to get to know.

This year, I've been able to visit the coast far more frequently than in years past.  With my new job allowing me to telework 3 days a week, I'm able to do it more frequently, though I do still telework from Raleigh as well.  It's something I'd like to do more of next year, as I will make it a top priority in 2023.

Tom's Creek Waterfall

I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the mountains for my birthday, and spend it with the man I adore.  And I was lucky enough to squeeze in a trip to the outter banks this year as well.  Okracoke, for the first time ever.

I've already set aside a journal prompt for twice a month for next year.  I hope that I can stick with it, because I've been terrible about journaling and meditating.  It's amazing how when I'm not stressed out, I don't think about it at all.  But I know it should be an important piece of my life, because it would make these year-end reviews so much easier to write! lol

I've had to sing a farewell song to my Honda CRV.  It was a very sad moment. And although I continue to miss the CRV, I am so grateful I was able to replace it with a Mini Cooper. (Let's be honest, I'm grateful I was able to replace it at all!)  
Small flowers, I think they are chamomile but am not sure

One of the things I'm really surprised at, is how many books I read this year.  And that's mostly because for some of the books I started reading, if they didn't engage my interest (even if it was a follow up to something I liked), I put it down and had no regrets.  I'm embracing "the time is not right for this" and "I absolutely hate this, so why am I trying to finish it?" as a standard mentality.  Maybe it's because I'm middle-aged that I've decided my time is not to be wasted on things I despise or am even lack-luster about, unless they are essential to my survival.  So, 30 out of the 34 books I attempted, is pretty darned good, I think!  It's not my best, but it's not zero!
And just for a recapture, even though my hard drive crashed last year, from what I could recount, I had at least 13 that I was able to account for (thank you library history!)

I haven't done any baking, and not much experimenting in the kitchen this year.  And I'm kind of sad about that.  But I've been on auto-pilot.  And with the health challenge from earlier this year, that knocked a lot of my energy to do anything about it right out of me.  It was survival mode, and nothing more.

Things I'm particularly grateful for include spending time with friends and family this year, surviving the health issue (it's chronic, not covid), and changing my job for more freedom and slightly better pay (which means less stress).

I think one of the the most important things I'd like to focus on next year is organization.  I want to keep my inbox at work as tidy as I have been able to keep it this year.  And I want to just continue to organize my life.  I know, super boring, right?

How's your year been?  What are you most grateful for this past year?  What can't you get enough of and want to bring into next year?

Thursday, January 14, 2021

What I did in 2020

Beautiful sunset.  Just because.
 Another year, albeit a weird one, has come to a close.  What a wild ride that was.  In some ways it was SO very different.  Working from home.  Being furloughed for a while.  Moving almost all doctor appointments to telehealth.  Libraries closed.  Everything shut. 

Then suddenly going back to my part time that I was fuloughed from and having face-to-face contact with people on a multiple times per week schedule.  Being able to go to the dentist again.  Getting my mammogram in person.  Going out to eat.  Toilet paper back in stock.

Just wild.

But, all that said, I did accomplish quite a bit this year.

  • I narrated and produced an audiobook that debuted in December.  In addition to reading that, I produced a second that has yet to debut.
  • I also read and completed, for my own personal knowledge, 36 books.  With an additional 6 that I abandoned because I got bored.
  • I put puzzles together with my father and saw movies with him (all before lockdown).
  • I've been mailing cards during the pandemic to people I care about. Sending sunshine to brighten days, while helping the post office. 
  • A new sushi place was revealed to me, and I've delighted in it ever since.
  • In June 2020 I reached a milestone of 50 days where I meditated.  And then in November, I reached 100 days of meditation.
  • I was fortunate enough to celebrate (although, alone) my 20th year working for the State of North Carolina.  That means I've been working for a total of 22 years of my 41 years on this earth.  I've now worked half my life.
  • The kitchen renovation was completed in February, right before covid hit.  So, it was wonderful to have a kitchen again after not having it for 6 months.  And just in time!
  • I've sucessfully migrated to a new phone, with the almost death of my old one.
  • Saw the Outter Banks for the first time, thanks to one of my favorite people, who decided to book her birthday trip there.  I was so grateful to be invited to spend time with her and her friends.
  • I went to my first ever haunted house this year with another of my favorite people.
  • I was introduced to Szcheuan Hot Pot this year.  So much fun!
  • I have really honed my skills at creating weekly goals and habit trackers this
    past 6 months.
  • I honed my scone and spring roll recipes.  And I have tested out my Instant Pot Vortex Oven/Fryer.
  • I've played with new makeup color combinations this year.  Most people seem bored senseless by this, so I've stopped posting my creations.  But I still enjoy doing them and having fun.
  • I completely changed my haircolor.
  • I got my first Henna tattoo from a woman from Bangledesh.  It was intricate, and a wonderfully soothing experience.
I have been, and continue to be, grateful for the people who have stuck by me this year.  When it has been so easy for everyone to just hole up in their own covid-bubble worlds.  The people who made time to talk to me, see me, and invest their time in me are so appreciated.  

Mind you, there have been moments of saddness.  To keep it real, there have been major disappointments in situations, people who were in my life, and myself.  It's not all perfection.  But, yearly, I celebrate the accomplishments.  Not the failures, setbacks and disappointments.  Those are for my personal blog.  Just know they exist.  So, if you're struggling - you're not alone.